Poll: When Will You Fly An Electric Airplane?

Russ Niles
Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.


  1. Fellow Canadian… cute concept and that’s about all. They’d do far more by improving diesel and turbine/turboprop efficiency.

  2. It’s apparent from the poll results that despite the “Cheerleading” for “electric airplanes”–the proponents “haven’t succeeded in making the sale.” We hear lots of talk about “when the batteries get better”–but who is going to buy the aircraft UNTIL the promised improvements are demonstrated?

    Frankly, I believe that the aviation media does readers a DISSERVICE in promoting a product still in development–and from the preliminary results of this poll, most others agree. Readers depend on print and online publications for accurate assessments of actual products–not something that has been “in development” for countless years. Those of us “of a certain age” prefer that aviation publications utilize the “Joe Friday” approach from the old “Dragnet” TV show–“JUST THE FACTS….” (If you don’t know the reference, look it up online, or ask your parents….). (smile)

    • I wonder how many of the so-called “cheerleaders” have actual skin in the game, i.e., own stock in the companies. It’s easy to say how much gain will come from electric aircraft when there’s no financial risk to be had. So, how about it all you proponents of electric aircraft. What’s the value of your shares in the company under discussion?

  3. Even if they come up with an electric aircraft that has, say, 3 hours endurance, how long will it take for infrastructure to catch up? Super-chargers in the tie-downs? How long will it take to charge? I can land, get gas, and be back up in the air in about 30 minutes. Not much changes in 30 minutes. But if I fly 3 hours, then have to wait 4 hours for the plane to charge up, how much can the weather change in 4 hours vs 30 minutes? Not to mention the value of my time. (I know, time to spare, go by air) Plus, take a look into how the EV auto industry is doing. I mean, beyond what MSNBC tells you.

  4. As shown in this poll, The entire argument that “electric airplanes are just around the corner” isn’t believed by the actual pilots. Where is the Bertorelli/Berge “reality check”? That’s something that readers and website haunters value–BALANCED AND OBJECTIVE REPORTING “warts and all”! If you want unfounded speculation, (“Perpetual motion is just around the corner!”) find an old issue of “Popular Mechanics”

    Those of us “of a Certain Age” remember when Jim Bede was going to sell his airplane for $4994 and show the world how airplanes COULD be built cheaply. Any number of aviation publications trumpeted his mantra. It didn’t work out well for him–Or the people that bought the first kits before the bankruptcy. FLYING MAGAZINE Richard Collins (and his editorial staff) warned that it wasn’t going to happen–dashing the hopes of would-be believers but saving astute readers BIG MONEY.