Pilotless Plane Crashes Into House


Canadian authorities are investigating after a Citabria with no pilot on board crashed into a house under construction in the southern Alberta city of Medicine Hat. Global News spoke with Jenman Luk, the owner of the house, who said the aircraft’s owner said the aircraft was undergoing maintenance at Schlenker Airport, a grass strip about five miles south of the city. “It just took off. Once the engine started, it just took right off,” Luk quoted the owner as saying.

The plane took flight about 8:30 p.m. on May 2 and the aircraft flew several miles before hitting the house, which is in a residential subdivision a little more than a mile from the city of 65,000’s main airport. The plane hit a deck across the back of the house and Luk said the damage to the house was minimal. There were no injuries. The Transportation Safety Board is sending investigators to the scene.

Russ Niles
Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.

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      • Green ones or grey ones ?? 🙂
        Actually, many moons ago at Edwards AFB, I got a call from Ops asking if any aero club airplanes were missing. Some F-16 pilot saw a GA plane sitting in the middle of Rogers dry lake miles from anything. When I said, “No,” the Security police went out to check it out. Some hapless pilot decided to commit suicide by .45 in flight but his T-Craft kept flying until it ran out of gas and landed itself on the lakebed intact.

  1. In reality the comment about the hand propping is probably true. about 70 years ago (I was much younger) I recall a 7AC was hand propped in NE Kansas, too much power, no brakes and trimmed nose up, it took off and flew about 200 miles (not nautical) and landed with little damage in Iowa. It can happen.

  2. So, plane crashes, no one hurt. Could we find out how many fatal auto crashes happened in that town since the last time a plane crashed there?

  3. Who was the PIC? The mechanic? What if he doesn’t have a pilot certificate?