GA Helps Vaccine Distribution

GA is being harnessed to help distribute COVID-19 vaccines in South Carolina as Angel Flight Soars is shifting focus to help end the pandemic. Pilot Robby Hill, of Florence, told…

GA is being harnessed to help distribute COVID-19 vaccines in South Carolina as Angel Flight Soars is shifting focus to help end the pandemic. Pilot Robby Hill, of Florence, told WBTW that he’s flown a vaccine mission and has more planned for the coming weeks. "I was able to go Fayetteville, NC, and pick up a cooler of COVID-19 supplies and fly it to Asheville, NC, and then I was met by another volunteer pilot and he completed the mission by carrying it to Nashville, TN,” Hill told the television station. 

Vaccine distribution has bogged down at the state level and Hill said GA can help. “Any pilots out there with planes I encourage them to spend all of their free time doing as much as they can to help with this logistical challenge that our nation has right now,” Hill says. “I feel a responsibility as an American, as a citizen of South Carolina and as a pilot to do everything in my power to help our country get back to normal and if that means flying vaccines around that’s what I’m going to do,” Hill said.

Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.