Textron Exec Advocates For The Entire GA Industry

Much beleaguered these days, general aviation has a friend at Textron Aviation.

Textron Aviation Vice President of Special Missions Sales Bob Gibbs has stepped up to publicly advocate for general aviation. At a time when public opinion of GA—particularly business aviation—is at a low ebb, Gibbs laid out the case for bizav as “a cornerstone of the economy, of life-saving missions and of essential cargo transportation.”

Gibbs points out that business aviation serves global connectivity, serving business opportunities in locations unreachable by airline transportation. He wrote that the role of private aviation in enabling businesses to continue operating and supporting the economy is crucial, especially during times of crisis. “A striking example of this was during the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said, “when the global demand for life-saving medical equipment surged. Business aviation became more visible as the essential lifeline it is, delivering patients to hospitals, and critical medical supplies to communities, particularly in hard-to-reach areas.”

He also cited the spearhead role business aviation plays in sustainability and in helping all aviation strive for a net-zero carbon footprint. He said, “The Environmental Protection Agency reports together we have achieved a 38% decrease in emissions in the U.S. One of the most promising avenues is the adoption of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), which significantly reduces carbon emissions as compared to conventional jet fuel.”

Gibbs further cited a Price Waterhouse Coopers 2020 study showing that general aviation supports more than 1.1 million jobs in the U.S. as well as contributing $246 billion to the U.S. economy, alone. “Moreover,” he added, “the versatility of these aircraft cannot be overstated. Jets and turboprops equipped for time-critical missions can be rapidly modified for medevac, surveillance, flight inspections and training. This adaptability allows them to fulfil roles that commercial aircraft simply cannot accommodate, proving their necessity in times of crisis.”

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.